HighSpans provides construction engineering and inspection (CEI) services to DOT and government agencies, and CQC/Specialty Engineering services to Contractors to assure clients that their projects are built in accordance with their plans and specifications. We provide experienced inspectors, construction engineers and project managers for roadway and bridge projects, and airport and water control projects. HighSpans Inspectors are state certified in such areas as post-tensioning inspection, concrete, steel erection, drilled shaft and pile driving foundations, traffic control, and asphalt plant inspection. Our construction engineers specialize in structures and also participate in design, thereby adding value to the process and increasing benefit to the end user.
10.1- Roadway Construction Engineering Inspection
HighSpans provides Construction Engineering & Inspection, construction management and verification testing services for Conventional and Design-Build contracts, from urban interstates to rural county roads. Our approach is to work proactively to determine and solve construction issues before they arise. Most of our Project Managers and Engineers are crossed trained in the design of transportation projects, and our team includes former DOT personnel, both of which provide valuable insight to the constructability of our projects. HighSpans understands the intricacies of roadway construction and the issues involved with traffic control, utility coordination, and environmental compliance. Our inspectors are highly trained and certified, and are equipped with the most up-to-date technology and tools to deliver successful projects on time and on budget.
10.3- Construction Materials Inspection
Our Asphalt Plant Inspectors run verification tests, completed lot packages, run tests on roadway GMB density cores, monitor truck temps, oversee randomly generated QC pay samples, and Process Control samples, complete Superpave and Marshall Ticket Book Covers, build Master CPF workbooks, oversee Quality Control (QC) technicians performing tests ensuring proper test procedures are followed, pull monthly plant Scale Checks, verify that all laboratory equipment used is being calibrated, verify Contractor compliance with Specifications 300-341 and 916 requirements, including tonnage limits of initial lots, ensure that all samples meet Master production range tolerances for tables 334-5 and 337-2, and that verification samples meet the Between-Laboratory Precision Values to Table 334-6 for comparison.
10.4- Minor Bridge and Miscellaneous Structures CEI
HighSpans specializes in CEI inspection services for all types of bridges and miscellaneous structures involving the construction, rehabilitation, widening, or lengthening of box culverts, retaining walls, cast-in-place or precast prestressed short span slab type bridges, simple span prestressed concrete beam bridges, and simple span I-beam bridges on both Conventional and Design-Build bridge projects. Our inspection team is highly experienced, qualified and certified by ACI, PTI, PCI, IMSA, AAMP (BCI) and CTQP.
Our team applies the same level of expertise to all types of bridges and structures, no matter how small or large, to ensure the successful completion of a quality project on time and on budget.
10.5.1- Major Bridge CEI - Concrete
HighSpans specializes in bridges and structures, and is prequalified to perform CEI inspection for the construction, rehabilitation, widening, and/or lengthening of structurally-continuous concrete superstructures (longitudinally post-tensioned concrete bridges, and includes flexible filler and pre-stress certified personnel,) reinforced concrete boxes, and post-tensioned substructures. Construction of complex structures requires a level of expertise, experience, forward thinking and problem solving which our Team is equipped to handle by virtue of the design and construction experience of our leadership team and Project Engineers. Our expertise in Bridge CEI Services is evident in the success of our previous projects delivered to state and local agencies. Our experience includes bridges over navigable waters, and spans longer than 360-ft.