HighSpans Engineering is experienced in a wide range of geotechnical engineering services. These include:
- Earth Retaining Structures
- Foundation Studies (Shallow & Deep)
- Laboratory Testing
- Pavement Services (Coring & Design)
- Pile Driving Analysis (PDA & Test Piles)
- Soil Borings
- Soil Investigations
9.1- Soil Exploration
HighSpans Engineering, Inc. has years of experience performing soil explorations and investigations for various types of structures including, bridges, bulkheads, culverts, and others. Our Geotechnical staff will determine your project’s specific geotechnical needs to help design and execute the geotechnical investigation plan. Our in-house equipment includes augers, dynamic cone penetrometers, static cone penetrometers, Shear Vane Testers, pocket penetrometers, and a coring rig for any required pavement services. Our engineers will successfully see your project through from conception to construction, in a cost effective and timely manner. Through decades of experience, we can assist in overcoming all project challenges, from the unexpected such as variable subsurface conditions, to the all-too-common problem of scheduling.
9.4.1- Foundation Studies
HighSpans is well versed in the design and testing of shallow and deep foundations for various structures. After completing a field investigation, we can provide options for your foundation and the recommended foundation design, while tailoring those recommendations to project specific concerns such as constructability issues, differential settlement, or karst topography. Our staff have achieved a proficiency level of advanced through the Dynamic Measurement and Analysis Proficiency Test (PDA Proficiency Test), which is offered by the PDA manufacturer for monitoring test pile programs on deep foundations. With this equipment we can monitor pile driving activities to ensure that the piles have reached the required bearing capacity with minimal time spent driving. When utilizing this specialized equipment, foundation costs can be reduced by using a higher resistance factor during design, allowing for increased efficiency and shorter piles.