iRox – I75 Widening Bridges

Time: 2008 – 2010
FDOT District 1
Construction Cost:

Summary of work performed:
The project consisted of 30 miles interstate widening, FHWA funding, Design-Build-Finance delivery. Bridges consisted of concrete slab, concrete AASHTO girder and steel girder continuous structures on pile foundations. Inspection of post-tensioned tendon grout repair procedures using SMO approved methods and materials. Substructure components included mass-concrete monitoring for footings, where HighSpans monitored installation of thermocouples, took temperature readings, assembled summary reports and coordinated with Engineer when differential approached the allowable limits.

This project was the largest asphalt project ever undertaken in Florida to that time; over 320,000 tons of asphalt were used on the project

iRox – I75 Widening Bridges