Time: 2022 – Ongoing
Owner: Village of Estero
Construction Cost: $2,100,000
Role: EOR
Summary of work performed:
HighSpans served as Engineer of Record performing geotechnical, hydraulic, and structural design services for a new pedestrian bridge to cross the Estero River for the Village of Estero. The bridge, featuring a prefabricated steel truss with a concrete deck, will span 134-feet across river, supported by concrete piers on prestressed concrete pile foundations. Elevated timber boardwalk approaches measuring a total of 205-feet are provided leading to the bridge. The geotechnical investigation involved conducting two SPT borings, performed to a depth of 100-feet, to facilitate the foundation design. Piles were analyzed for the proposed foundation, pile capacity curves were generated to determine suitable test pile lengths. The foundations were analyzed for strength and extreme event stability utilizing an advanced nonlinear FEA software to capture the soil-structure interactions.