The Lee County Department of Transportation and the contractor, Quality Enterprises, will begin construction to widen Burnt Store Road from Diplomat Parkway to Van Buren Parkway on OCTOBER 5, 2015. This project consists of the initial widening to four lanes. Future segments, Central (from Tropicana Parkway to Diplomat Parkway) and South (from Pine Island Road to Tropicana Parkway), are funded in 2016/2017 and 2018/2019 respectively.
The construction of Burnt Store Road is a four-lane divided highway with two 11-foot travel lanes in each direction and a design speed of 50 mph. On-road bicycle lanes are included in the four-lane widening. A five-foot sidewalk will be constructed on the west side and a ten-foot multi-use path will be constructed on the east side of Burnt Store Road. Existing travel lanes on Burnt Store Road will be widened, milled and resurfaced and become the new southbound lanes. Two new northbound lanes will be constructed to the east of the existing lanes. The median will be approximately 174 feet wide to allow for future expansion. With the exception of Gator Slough, all new bridges will be raised and will have lighted pedestrian underpasses to allow safe passage under Burnt Store Road and will connect to the sidewalk and multi-use path. Lee County is also planning an ultimate concept for the distant future incorporating a six-lane divided mainline (three 11-foot travel lanes in each direction) with a two-lane frontage road to the west for local traffic. On-road bike lanes, sidewalk and the multi-use path are included in the six-lane ultimate concept. In this future concept, an additional northbound lane and three new southbound lanes would be constructed in the median. The two southbound lanes (now existing lanes) of Burnt Store Road would become a two-lane frontage road with a posted speed of 35 mph.
This information was provided through contact with Lee County Commissioner,
Brian Hamman, District 4
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